The System’s Structure

The Museum Grand Tour System is a network of museums and archaeological sites of which the Comunità Montana Castelli Romani and Prenestini is the lead institution and manager. The network, established in 2003, now includes twenty municipalities, two suburbicarian dioceses and a foundation, and was renewed with the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio of the Rome Metropolitan Area, the Province of Viterbo and Southern Etruria joining in 2014.  

The System’s Objectives

The Museum Grand Tour System has as its primary objectives the enhancement of the area’s museum and cultural heritage; the promotion of a proper cultural, touristic and social use of cultural assets; the creation of a connection between local museums and regional thematic systems, state structures and private collections; the rationalisation and optimisation of resources and investments; and the creation of a solid connection with the world of education. The support of the activities of small museums and their promotion is also fundamental. To this end, the System promotes studies and research to publicise the patrimony of individual museums but also the archaeological, historical, artistic, environmental and cultural wealth in general of the entire Castelli Romani and Prenestini area. Finally, the System aims to increase the quality of the cultural offering of and for the territory, with the aim of enhancing cultural tourism in the area as well.

The System’s Entities

– The Assembly of Administrators : establishes policy lines and priorities for action, as well as the admission of new entities or private facilities into the System.

– The Commissioner of the Comunità Montana cwho is responsible for the institutional representation of the System.

– The Scientific Committee, made up of the museum directors, the officials of the member municipalities and chaired by the Director of the System, carries out advisory and implementation tasks of the guidelines formulated by the Assembly of Administrators. In particular, the Scientific Committee develops the programmes of cultural and didactic activities of the Museum System and coordinates the cultural activities of the single museums, cooperating with the Comunità Montana Castelli Romani and Prenestini in carrying out all the activities aimed at the fulfilment of the System’s tasks.
To learn more about the members of the Scientific Committee click here.

– The Executive Technical Secretariat, including the President of the Comunità Montana, Serena Gara, the Director of the Scientific Committee, Monica De Gregorio, and the Project Manager of the Comunità Montana, Patrizia Di Fazio.

The Comunità Montana, whose duties include administrative management and organisational and operational support for decisions taken by the bodies of the System.

Regulations of the Scientific Committee

The Constitution of the Museum System