Ellis Cornelia Knight. Descrizione del Lazio ovvero la Campagna di Roma

Ellis Cornelia Knight

A Description of Latium or La Campagna di Roma

Alessandro Badiale’s translation of Ellis Cornelia Knight’s book, published anonymously in London in 1805 under the title A Description of Latium or La Campagna di Roma and supplemented by twenty illustrations drawn by the author herself depicting almost all of the Castelli Romani, has filled a much-needed gap.

Ellis Cornelia Knight was born in London in 1757. After attending a school headed by a Swiss pastor and learning Latin and various European languages, she was left fatherless. Soon afterwards, she moved to Rome with her mother, where she began her journey through the villages, towns and cities of Lazio. Alessandro Badiale was able to accompany his translation work with notes that completed the publication as they were absent in the original text.  In addition to the description of the places and the beauties they contain, an examination of the region in all its aspects carried out by the author of the work and the notes illustrating the places visited rounded out the work, making it more attractive and complete.

The book is also part of the discussion and excellent works of the many devotees and scholars of the Latium region which have continued up to the present day. However, no one had ever thought of doing a translation of Knight’s work in order to make it accessible to those who do not know English. Today, finally, Alessandro Badiale has recognised this shortcoming and translated the book in a very well-executed manner, including many illustrations made by the author herself.

At this point, we believe we need not add anything else, and wish the author of the translation a successful inclusion of the work among those of the most important authors who have visited and described the territory of Lazio.

Preface by Luigi Devoti

Ellis Cornelia Knight – A Description of Latium or La Campagna di Roma

Volume published with the contribution of the Museumgrandtour Museum System

Translation and notes by Andrea Badiale

Year of publication 2012 – Cavour Libri